Transit explores the intersecting stories of Filipinos in Tel Aviv when the threat of a law deporting the children of migrant workers looms over their precarious lives. Janet, a domestic worker on an expired visa, struggles to hide her half-Israeli daughter, Yael – a rebellious teenager caught up in a juvenile romance. Most endangered in the situation is Janet’s four-year old nephew, Joshua, whom Janet and Yael watch over because the boy’s father, Moises, must work outside of town during the week as a caregiver. Joshua is the most vulnerable to the deportation law because he is under the age of five and therefore must be kept hidden; otherwise he risks being seen by the immigration authorities, which regularly patrol the neighbourhood. The film also explores the life of a young lady, Tina, who arrives to start a new life in Israel. Transit examines what it means to be a family and a stranger, in one’s home and in a foreign land.
Gawad Lino Brocka Award, Golden Screen Awards, Philippines 2014; New Currents Award – Special Mention, Pusan International Film Festival 2013; Student Jury Prize, Tokyo FILMeX 2013; Audience Award, Balanghai Trophy, NETPAC Award & Special Citation, Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival 2013